Yet Another SysAdmin

Debian PXE


Having to install Debian from time to time really made me think to doing the install over the network, rather than always making USB sticks or mounting a ISO file in a VM.
The steps to set up PXE on Debian are quite easy - all in all maybe a 10 minute process.

So, let’s get to it!


You need a working Debian install - That’s it.
Everything else can be installed from the official repositories.

Setting up TFTP

The first thing on the agenda ist installing a TFTP service/daemon.
I will use tftpd-hpa - you can of course use something else like dnsmasq for example (Which has TFTP builtin).

$ sudo apt install tftpd-hpa

Configuring tftpd-hpa

Here is a example of how to configure the service. (Be aware to change the given IP address to your needs!)

$ sudo vim /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure -4 -v"


TFTP_OPTIONS: This example only uses IPv4 (-4) and -v (verbose).
TFTP_ADRESS: Specifies the IP address to listen on
TFTP_DIRECTORY: This is the path were we later store the necessary files

Creating the PXE directory

Depending on your configuraiton you might need to create the directory.
For me:

$ sudo mkdir /srv/pxe

Restart tftpd-hpa

Restart the service after all the configuration is done.

$ sudo systemctl restart tftpd-hpa.service

Preparing the needed files

Change to the created directory, download the needed files and extract them.

$ cd /srv/pxe
$ sudo wget
$ sudo tar xzvf netboot.tar.gz


You can now boot a Debian installer over the network.
Make sure to set your desired system to boot over network.
(Most likely there is a option in the BIOS that you can switch on)


Making a UEFI system bootable over the network is a simple as linking the correct bootloader (GRUB) in the created directory.

$ cd /srv/pxe
$ ln -s debian-installer/amd64/grubx64.efi .
$ ln -s debian-installer/amd64/grub .

Configure your DHCP service

Your DHCP server of choice must be configured to point at the TFTP server/service. (This will make it possible to download the required files!)

I personally use OPNSense - as seen on the following screenshot.


Alter the TFTP server options (TFTP hostname and Bootfile) and you will be ready to go.

Beware: Keep in mind specifying the right boot file!

BIOS - pxelinux.0
UEFI - grubx64.efi

Closing words

Setting up a Debian host to do PXE booting is quite simple and saves a lot of hassle.
No more making USB sticks let alone CD/DVD’s!

#Debian #Pxe #Tftp